Our Vision
“Moresales Latvia” is a sales outsourcing organization which helps companies to expand their business within corporate and retail business sector.
Latvia is a young player in 21st century’s economy. There are only a few large international companies in Latvia. Several have already left this market due to the poor business opportunities. Some companies are considering to leave… And sales role is continuously is under the pressure. Shareholders demand growth.
Demand to grow and expand can be executed in different ways. As our background with completed international “Sales Effectiveness” program allows us to offer internationally approved and evaluated sales tools, we are open to share our ‘know-how’ and business experience in order to help others to expand their market share.
“Moresales Latvia” is more than sales. Our strategic vision is to help other sales professionals to learn experience and techniques. We also provide seminars and performance development coaching sessions. This helps for Sales teams to raise their confidence and team spirit. But we want to help more. Our hobby is to explore people mind. In our spare time we interview people – Latvian entrepreneurs with aim to understand the entrepreneurial core.
We are looking for business models and techniques which could give inspirational ideas to others who consider to start their business. We have also gained significant answers for ourselves. We believe that ideas from these interviews will help people. Specially to those who take active part in Latvian economy. These people sometimes need to hear others experience, they need support and somebody to talk with.
We want to be like a sounding board. We want to partner companies’ to create their growth curve, we want to partner Sales people in their growth, we want to inspire entrepreneurs to start their business and dare for more.
Dace Briede-Zalite