Corporate Coaching
In business, the only thing that really counts is results. Our coaching sessions are designed to achieve more by realizing your strength and areas to improve. Sales people need to continually deliver results and perform at their best each and every day. In today’s dynamic business world, high achievers also need reflection, support and motivation to stay at the top of their game.
How to leverage your current skills, experience and resources in today’s fast paced economy?
How to stay competitive in an increasingly competitive world?
To advance Sales career, Sales guys need to execute peak performance which is important because:
- High performing sales managers achieve more
- High performing teams deliver more
- High performing companies make more profits and enjoy more market share.
Strength and Development Areas. Typical Behaviour during Stress
Each Sales role requires a specific personality type. There are often cases when a successful sales guy is transferred to another department, which requires a different personality profile , and suddenly this person can under perform.
“DISC” – a psychometric test – originally was developed by American psychologist William Moulton Marston in 1928. Later amended by another American psychologist, John G. Geier. DiSC is a personal assessment tool used to improve work productivity, teamwork and communication. DiSC is non-judgmental and helps people discuss their behavioral differences.
DiSC profiles help you and your team:
- Increase your self-knowledge: how you respond to conflict, what motivates you, what causes you stress and how you solve problems
- Learn how to adapt your own style to get along better with others
- Foster constructive and creative group interactions
- Facilitate better teamwork and minimize team conflict
- Develop stronger sales skills by identifying and responding to customer styles
- Manage more effectively by understanding the dispositions and priorities of employees and team members
Test will also give confidence which sales role could fit you more, as well as how others see you? This session will allow you to think over about your current interaction with colleagues and will help you to design better communication and interaction habits.
Those employees who have talent and ability but something at this moment has stalled them – individual personal development training will allow them to get out of stacked situations and regain energy for future work. The optimal amount of workshops is 6. In practice already after third or fourth workshop is shown progress. Between workshops are 2 to 4 weeks intervals to apply acquired knowledge in the real life and have measurable results.
- Personal development plans
After have been held discussions with staff and understood areas where is need for improvement, we prepare Personal Development plan. For superiors it will be practically usable management tool, which will help to monitor the work of your team. Widely used practice in global companies to define exactly what the company expects from its employees, as well as agreeing on the expected support to improve the skills.
Profile XT is a unique method by which determine the suitability of the employee’s personality . This method allows to accurately define any requirements of the position and make sure the employee meets requirements for particular position. The test measures job-related personality traits , which ensures successful work performance.
Profile XT measures the personality traits that determines qualties of the person – Thinking and reasoning style, behavioral traits and occupational interests.
Thinking style scales are as follows:
- learning index
- verbal ability,
- verbal thinking ,
- numerical ability,
- numerical thinking .
Behavioral traits as human characteristics can be obtained in the following nine scales :
- energy level ,
- impact
- sociability ,
- handling ,
- attitude ,
- decisiveness ,
- independence ,
- adaptation ,
- objectivity .
The third part of the test shows the six areas the person associates the most – business , finance and administration , customer service , research, creative or mechanical interests.
The Profile XT tests are able to assess employee competence , gaining information about each employee’s potential and development areas. Comprehensive account provides recommendations for the direct manager to achieve maximum results!
More information: + 371 29 404 368