Līga Vaisūne, SEB Life Insurance
Riga, 28th January 2014
For SIA ” Moresales LAtvia”seminar “If you think you can , you can!” led by Dace Briede-Zālīte
From all the mutliple seminar options, we chose “Moresales Latvia” seminar “If you think you can, you can!” led by coaching insturctor Dace Briede-Zālīte.
The seminar’s aim was to elevate the tone of the seller, give vigor and understanding of how to achieve the set tasks esier. All sales management staff participated in the training, both – those who have direct contact with customers, as well as those who work in sales support department. Total number that attended the training was around 50 people. The training material met requirements. In the process of the workshop theoretical knowledge was given combined with practical group and individual tasks.
The training of out employees certainly have given a new incentive to our future work. Thank you very much for the positive seminar!
Best regards,
AAS “SEB Dzīvības apdrošināšana”
Training manager
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